We provide a wide range of photographic services in Geneva, Switzerland, Europe and elsewhere.
Thanks to our Swiss passports, we can travel the world without restriction. We generally follow the United Nations Department of Safety & Security (UNDSS) which provides resources such as security clearance requests, and travel notification, processing and travel advisories for staff members of United Nations departments, agencies, funds and programs. We have done the same training and we are up to date on the latest issues.
We apply rates in line with the various services we provide. All rates are without VAT (8% in Switzerland). Additional costs are directly related to the specific services we provide. Charges could be a studio on location or whatever is specific to the assignment. Geneva and nearby assignments follow rates in use. The figures outside Geneva and during oversee mission are generally copying UN per-diem guidelines. In case of travel safari assignment a whole cost package can be discussed accordingly. Pre-paid costs are usually linked to extra charges, usual charges, per-diem and partial rates during longer missions, mostly oversee.
Contact us for detailed pricing.
We accept the following the currencies: CHF
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